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Monday, April 19, 2010

How To Achieve Faster Shopping When Shopping With Kids


Include Children In The Shopping Experience

At times shopping with children in tow can be difficult. Many stores place sugar-filled items and dime store toys at children’s eye level so your kids will be begging for these worthless items. Finding clever ways to keep you children distracted from these types of items can help to minimize the begging and help to achieve a faster shopping outing.

One fix-all method is to leave the children at home when you go shopping. Even though this can be an easy fix, it does not teach the children how to behave in a store. Children can learn a lot about being responsible shoppers by being allowed to go. At first it will be difficult to get certain ideas about shopping across to your children, but with some consistency and patience, your shopping expeditions with them will be transformed.

Add An Affordable Toy or Candy For Child (Children) To The List

To begin, always bring a shopping list of the items you need. Let the children know that items that are not on the list will not be purchased. Make sure you stick to the list as well. If your children are allowed to purchase a toy or a candy, write it on the list under their names with the corresponding budget. This will help them to pick out something that will be prized more than the cheapie toys in the aisles.

Allow Kids To Participate By Getting Things On The List

Let your children participate in the shopping experience. By letting your children help, their eyes won’t have time to wander onto useless items. When you get to an aisle, tell them what item or items they are responsible for getting. Let the children get the items from the shelf and put them in the shopping cart. If there are multiple sizes of the product, let them know what size they should get. (This will also help them to learn about measurements). Younger children can participate in this experience as well by getting the items off the really low shelves.

By allowing your children to participate in the shopping experience they will learn the valuable skills necessary for shopping wisely and you will have excellent helpers in the

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