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Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Have More Time For Recreation

Organize Your Activities

Everybody these days complain that he or she does not have time for anything, nor have any spare time. However, most people forget or don’t take into consideration the amount of time they lose with all sort of non-important activities. If people could better organize their lives and the activities they do, then they would have more time.

Organize Your Work Area

For instance, have you ever misplaced a file in a cluttered desk? You probably did. Can you remember the amount of time you spent on trying to find it? It probably took up a lot of your time before you located the file. If you were not able the file then the effort; besides having been in vain, also took a lot of your time and energy. And this without taking into consideration, that you could have never found the file you were looking for, ever again. This can be very frustrating.

Organize Your Desk

Now, imagine that if you have had a better-organized desk, a better-organized work area, this would have never happened. Imagine all that time spent on finding that file could have been used in all sort of other ways. You could have done all kinds of activities, ranging from other work tasks to some free time you could have enjoyed.

Organize Your Life

These little things, things like better organizing the work area and better organizing one’s life, escape people and lead them to losing a great deal of time. If you want to enjoy more time, time that you could spend doing other useful activities, and if you want to escape the trouble of looking for a file in a cluttered desk with the risk of never finding it, you would better start organizing your work space. You probably won’t regret it.

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