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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Be Happy And Feel Less Stressed

Take Time To Enjoy The Simple Things

The more our society advances, the more stressful it is. The rat race gets more intense each day. We are miserable people because we fall victim to the rat race. But there is relief by just taking the time to enjoy simple things. And little does everyone know that simple things can help relieve a lot of the stresses we are feeling. However, for most of us, we are so used to living in the rat race mode that we don’t even know where to begin in looking at the simple things.

Enjoy The Sunset

When was the last time you took the time to enjoy a sunset? Just sit in your easy chair on the porch or back yard and watch the sun go down. If you live close to the seashore or in a desert region, sunsets can be very a breathtakingly beautiful sight indeed.

Take A Walk Or Ride Your Bike

Or when was the last time you just went for a walk or rode your bicycle? Want a quick solution to the stress of city traffic? Ride your bike or take a bus to work. Buses are especially nice in that you can sit with your favorite book or even snooze while you are going to work. Plus, you will save money on gasoline which can be so expensive these days. Some cities have nice rail systems that let you commute comfortable to and from work. You will be amazed at how much better you would feel by staying out of traffic.

Play With Your Child

If you have small children, when was the last time you just  came home and said, "Hey, let’s go to the playground!" You will be surprised at how much better you will feel just sitting and watching your children play. We must remember to cherish these moments when the children are small because the time passes by so fast.  It is not hard to find simple things to enjoy and make you feel better. The problem for most of us is that we don't stop.  Doing  this will not only energize you but add more years to your life. "So take time to smell the roses!"

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